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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stranded. Well, Plegh.

Agh!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm stranded. Worst morning ever.

I had to relocate the trailer quickly last night. Got a text message from P. in the Wal-Mart lot. Some kids apparently were teasing Fezzik through the trailer window while I was at work and he started going insane barking and attracting attention, which is very very bad. So, the other RV-ers asked me to move, and I understand. I feel terrible.

So, I moved the trailer Sam's Club a few miles away (texted Aishwarya who told me to call her in the morning and she'd take me back to Wal-Mart to pick up my car).

Big mistake.

First of all, Sam's Club is located in a crummier town. And situated right by train tracks. This loud train comes through honking its horn, all night long... about every hour and a half. Which wakes me up every hour and a half.

Then, around 4 a.m., Fezzik starts barking nonstop and I can't figure out why because he's not much of a barker unless he thinks that a strange man might hurt me.

I finally get up, step outside, and there are about 50 Mexican immigrants standing around, cooking breakfast, etc. Apparently this is where they stand around all day looking for under-the-table work.

Well, fuck.

So Fezzik is going nuts because he doesn't like the jillion strange men hanging around my trailer.

(But wait, it gets worse.)

I go to call Aishwarya, figuring that I can find somewhere more suitable to move the trailer, and then get my car. The problem is, I can't find my phone. Nowhere in the trailer, nowhere in my purse. Since I used the GPS feature on it to find Sam's Club yesterday, I know the only other possible option is that I left it at the gas station I used yesterday to fuel up.

So I walk to the gas station.

The guy working there says "no, you have to ask the night guy who was here when you came in last night, he's the one that would know".

Because apparently they don't have a fucking lost and found box.

So I tell him it's an emergency, and ask if he can just call the guy. He says, like I'm an idiot, "no, the night guy sleeps during the day. He's sleeping".

Well, duh. I know that, and I'm really, really sorry, but this is fucking important, I'm homeless and I'm stranded and it's my fucking phone you asshole!!!!!!!!!!

(In my mind, that's what I said. Not really.)

He said if I left it there, the night guy probably took it with him and told me to come back tonight. Great. Just great. It's probably gone forever, someone probably found it and stole it, but fine. I'll try back tonight.

So I walk back to the trailer, grab my laptop, ignoring dumbass whistles and catcalls from 50 Mexican immigrants, and walk two and a half miles in the other direction, until I find a Starbucks.

And here I am, frantically e-mailing Aishwarya and Dwight (please, please check your e-mail, guys!!!!!). If I can at least get to my car, then I'll be OK for the day - maybe I can drive to Sprint and see if they replace stolen phones. Getting to my car is the fun part, though.

Sigh. I am so insanely, monstrously frustrated right now.


  1. That stinks! I hope things go better for you tomorrow!

  2. Hey B,

    Hope you are well, and were able to get a replacement phone. I wrote about your blog for Take Part and I wanted to share the post, and especially a comment I received that is meant for you:

    I wish you all the best,

  3. I'm praying for you right now, B. To find the phone, to have some good things happen today to balance out the bad, to find a safe place to park. Peace, M

  4. Oh, honey have things got better now?

    Have you also found somewhere better to park honey ?

  5. Hi all!!! I posted a new blog this morning updating, and hopefully answering all of yoru questions.

    Thanks so much for the concern - it's OK, I'm fine! One thing you'll learn about me, I tend to always be fine, one way or another :)

