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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not Much

Very little to report today. It's raining again, so I'm happy! It's all nice and cool and refreshing outdoors, and I'm camped out at Starbucks in my snuggly plaid PJ bottoms and year-old Sweeney Todd sweatshirt, passing as just another college student :)

I was called for an interview tomorrow, huzzah! This will be the one. I can feel it. Well... I hope so, anyway.

Random Lighting Tip: If you are living in a car or an RV without electricity hookup, you can have enough light to read by at night. Purchase one of those bigger flashlights (the really chunky ones!) and stand it on its end. The light will reflect off of the ceiling and illuminates far better than candles (safer, too - candles can accidentally set stuff on fire). Plus, the batteries in those suckers last FOREVER. I have been using mine all week, and still running great!

Fezzik isn't a fan of the rain. It means no park visit for him and he's gotta stay in the trailer :`( Poor boy. I woke up this morning to a giant, droopy, sad-eyed face peering dejectedly over the side of the cot, as his tail thumped out a funereal mantra. He knew. Sigh.

So yeah, not much today, and tomorrow is going to be crazy busy with multiple errands, and Friday is my birthday; I'm taking full advantage of Disney's new "free admission on your b-day" policy, so I may step off my soapbox for a day or two, and just drop in the occasional quick update. I don't know that I have many readers just yet, so probably no psychostalkers out there, but if there are, now you know my exact location on Friday - Disneyland (where I would never actually pay to go, I used to work for The Mouse via subcontractor and hate them with a passion... but who am I to pass up an opportunity to mooch free stuff from them?) Anyway, if you're a psychostalker looking to chain me up in your dungeon and make me your unwilling sex slave, good luck finding me among the other 20,000 people there! *sticks out tongue and blows raspberries in the face of danger*

Actually, that was probably unwise. *hastily takes back the raspberries*

* * * * *

Edit: My pal Dwight just texted to me that he got a new job!!!!! Congratulations, Dwight! Here's to being well-paid in this crap economy! Now let's go out tomorrow and get that house! We won't take "no" for an answer!

* * * * *

Edit 2: Oh, man. I so wish that I had patience for working with people who hate/scream at me. Because I could see this being an incredibly interesting job:

Alas, probably not my area of expertise. But still, can you see a job like this ever getting boring?! It'd probably be like working in the Winchester Mystery House!

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