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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Reaching California EDD Massively Sucks

This is the exact problem that I have been having all morning trying to get through to the California Employment Development Department:

Californians Battle Swamped State Phone Lines to Get Jobless Benefits

Yes, all morning. We're talking over five hours of back-to-back phone calls. The EDD doesn't even put you in a "hold" queue until a representative is available, you just get a recorded message essentially saying "there's a lot of calls, sucks to be you, try back later!" and then... disconnection.


I haven't received my extended benefits forms yet. The EDD website says to call if you haven't received them within 10 days. It's been over 2 weeks and I could really use the funds. I have tried various number combos posted online to get through, none of them are working... On one forum, they suggested calling the foreign language line - I just may try it, because nothing else is getting me to a representative.

Anyway, if anyone else out there is feeling like bashing your head against a wall over this, you are not alone.

Short post, maybe I'll update later tonight... my therapist just called to inform me that I forgot my session this morning, so I frantically rescheduled and now I'm running over there. Yes, I know. Homeless with a shrink. Only in California ;) Maybe this evening, when things settle down, I'll go into why although I've pared down a lot of stuff in my life due to this circumstance, I feel good mental health is more important than ever, and is worth continuing to pay for.


  1. I recently applied for extended benefits. I also did not get any info within 10 days of applying. I did get approved and the check was sent 2 weeks after my last regular edd benefits check was paid to me.

  2. Hi there, beauty academy, thanks for commenting!

    It sucks, doesn't it? I still haven't gotten my info yet. :`(

    I'm still waiting on about two and a half months' worth of extended benefit checks owed to me, from before I picked up my new job.


  3. just found your blog and I'm in the same boat. I was dumb enough to tell them that I was in school so I had to wait 2 weeks for an interview and now I have been waiting a week for my claim forms. Been nearly a month without my benefit and no help from them
