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Friday, March 27, 2009

the Girl's Guide to Homelessness is MOVING!!!!! :)

Hi all,

Just a quick note to let you guys know that I have moved to - a kind stranger basically bought me a domain and is building me my own website!!! How crazy is that?!?!?!

It's a work in progress, so I have to play with it and do some tweaking, but thanks to Adam Warner (previously mentioned kind stranger), it already looks about ten bajillion times better than this blogspot does ;) Adam's super awesome - he saw the Invisible People video interview and did all of this out of the kindness of his heart, so please (shameless plug) visit his sites and return the love:

At some point soon I'll just redirect my blogspot to point to the new site, but for now, it's manual. You can follow the link above to get there!

Much love and gratitude,



  1. Hey girl, it's "Aish" (Can you please stop insulting Aishwariya by calling me this?). I finally got a blog so i now i can comment on your page & stuff. Congrats on the new site. Yay! Well ttyl.

  2. Hey Blinky, I know, right?!

    Aish - love you, girl. Left a comment on your new blog... although, you do know you can still comment even without one, right? And it's no insult to Aishwariya, you are GORGEOUS and I know it even if you don't ;) Love you!

