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Monday, March 16, 2009

My Face (Sort Of) Is Online

Well, the video interview with Mark Horvath of Hardly Normal is live here, as of today.

Some things you should know about me:

1) I do not, in fact, have a double chinned turkey neck in real life. I actually do have a jaw. I swear to God (Mark, please, please back me up on this!!!!!) I think that may just be the most unflattering angle on me ever, combined with the fact that the camera adds 20 lbs. (but why did it have to add them all in my face?!?!?!) So, yeah... kinda sorta mortified right now and kicking into damage control mode, because for all of my alleged stellar qualities, modesty is not one of them. I wish I could say it was, but... sorry. Like the vast majority of women, I desperately want to look pretty, especially in front of a zillion strangers :~\

2) I'm watching this video (with the sound down at work, so I still haven't yet gotten the full horrific impact of this thing - what does my voice sound like?!) and I am realizing that I'm incredibly twitchy when I'm nervous. I'm gesticulating and fidgeting a lot. This bugs me incredibly, which means I'll have to pay more attention to how I carry myself. Sigh.

3) My hair... Oh, god, my hair.

3) Lest you think I hate everything about myself and am just ragging and wallowing in self-pity, I do think that I have a pretty killer smile. And my St. Patty's Day Faery T-shirt kicks major arse (thanks for the present, Aishwarya!) So there.

4) Obviously the cat is out of the bag - my first name is Brianna (they accidentally used my full first name instead of just ~B~). Well... fuck. Please, if you must call me anything, call me Bri. All of my friends do. I like it better than Brianna, anyway.

*whew* I shall now run and hide my face in my hands. Right after putting myself back on the liquid diet (this is Orange County, after all). Jamba Juice shall thank me.


  1. I’ve just seen the video and I have to say you’re amazing. You’re so grounded and well balanced about what is a very scary situation – I hope your three wishes come true and if I had a wish it would be I could be your fairy godmother and grant those wishes.......
    Oh, just to let you know you’re not fat and hair looks fine in the video ... what people see is you great personality

  2. Ahahaha, thank you for the compliments, Vicki! You are too, too kind. I feel a little bit better about feeling so exposed in front of a bunch of people ;)

  3. Hey, you look good! I've been on a few TV stations and stuff and I look terrible (Hair's a mess, the rest of me's a mess...)

    It was a really good video. :)

  4. Hi, Blinky!

    I want to see what you look like, got any links to your videos? How did your Loch Ness drawing come out?

    I swear, since my face is already out there, tonight I'm totally taking a picture of myself and posting it on the blog... I come out slightly better in photos than on film :)

  5. Talk about surprises... I actually read Horvath's post about you on's End Homelessness blog before I read here... and was thought to myself: "Oh-Oh. I wonder if she knows he used her full name instead of just her initial?"

    I understand your reasoning for wanting a bit of anonymity - after all, there are some dingbats out there who will judge you simply because of the word "homeless" rather than your own merits.

    Anyway... keep pressing onward.

    Best of luck with the job and everything else.

  6. Yeah... in any case, at least they just used my first name and not my last... it's kind of like "Oh, well". :~\

    Thanks for the encouragement!

  7. first of all, you're beautiful! i'm reading 1, 2 and 3 and i'm thinking, "girl, if you could see what other people see in you..." for real.

    i met mark through facebook or blogging, can't remember which, and follow him on twitter, too, and that's how i found his video and your blog. i'm so glad i did.

    i have a good friend who's been living in her car for over a year. i thought of her right away when i started watching the video. she is beautiful and resilient and strong. so are you.

    i love your transparency and your honesty and your willingness to share your wisdom and your reality -- and i know it's going to impact other people. i'm posting the video to my blog now, and linking you. i really want to hug you, but you're a long way away, so i'm praying for God to send somebody else to hug you for me. ;)

  8. B, I found your blog through Mark also. I don't know what to say, but I want to say that I'll be following your story through your blog, praying for you, and please continue writing! You are a wonderful writer and I'm glad you are sharing your story. I hope it helps others and I hope your online blog followers can be an encouragment for you in some way.


  9. Here is a video that was on the news around here...I could only here the reporter talking though. We're mute. :/ (Also if you go to ABH (my blog about homelessness) the header is a picture of what I pretty much look like all the time. :P)

    And a better picture of me (haha)

    Hehe, thanks for asking! xD I think it turned out pretty well:

    Sorry for all the links... :P

  10. I really liked your video in fact it inspired me to do a post myself :) I thought you looked pretty.

  11. Oh wow, so many people to answer back - I still can't believe people are reading this stuff and have so many positive things to say!

    Michele - thank you so much for the kind words. I saw someone repost your chosenfast link. Mind if I link to you from my blog?

    Jessica - thanks for following; Mark is awesome and I hope I can help in even the smallest way to contribute towards the cause he is fighting for.

    Blinky - You are amazing and you have the most beautiful long hair I've ever seen. I've tried for years, literally, to get long hair, but it's pretty fine and starts getting scraggly so I have to keep it medium despite all my efforts. I have no patience for it. Your picture of Nessie is awesome; I actually have a yearning to go skinny dipping in Loch Ness ;)

    Jim - That's very kind of you. I hope it helps :)

    Jason - I saw your video post on YouTube, thanks so much for the shout out, I'm sure Mark really appreciates it too. And thanks for the pretty *grin*

