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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sex and Prostitution = Bad Ideas

A couple of blogs ago, I mentioned that using innocence and sweetness can be of great help to homeless women. I also mentioned that using sex to get what you need is a bad idea, and promised to go into it in a later blog. Here you go.

When I first found out that I was going to be homeless, I started searching online for survival tips and resources, specifically ones relating to women. One of the first articles that I found was written by a homeless girl. Her survival tips relied almost exclusively on sex. She advised using at least the hint of sexual promise in panhandling (and then backing out once money is obtained). She also had bright ideas regarding finding a "partner" to double as a drug supplier and pimp - "Consider yourself lucky if your partner also becomes your love, because then he'll have added motivation to protect you and ensure you're adequately doped up!"

Holy shit. I mean, for god's sake, is this really the only way to get by? How dangerous is this?! I don't care how uneducated you are, you don't need a genius I.Q. to keep under the radar, find an honest job, and survive on your own means, without illegal activity or drugs (I've already mentioned my thoughts on drugs in a previous blog).

Look, as a woman, you are definitely in a vulnerable position. However, it is easier than you might imagine to find help when you need it, just by asking. I'm not talking monetarily, either. Personally, I am not a fan of panhandling/begging (more on that in a later post) and feel that there are better, more self-reliant ways to get back on your feet. But there are always Good Samaritans out there willing to give your car a jump, or give you directions if you're lost, or advice on the nearest ______ facility.

Using sex or the promise of sex for money or other assistance is dangerous, not to mention demoralizing. Strangers who give you money hoping for sex will be very disappointed or downright angry if they do not get what they feel they paid for. Angry people can hurt you, or anonymously make the police aware of your existence. They can cause major problems for your under-the-radar lifestyle. Why would you want the help of someone who was only interested in your body, anyway? You're better than this. You have a mind, talents, and a host of other awesome qualities.

Crossing the line into prostitution is even more dangerous. STDs and pregnancy are your immediate physical concerns, of course. Beyond that, there is the risk of becoming another anonymous dead hooker. Prostitutes are targeted as potential homicides for a reason!!!!! They are convenient, numerous, easy to lure and dispatch. They may not have family members or friends concerned for them, so their deaths may go undetected for a longer period of time. Psychologically, a serial killer may get off on killing "dirty" women after using them for sex. These are just some of the reasons murderers use to justify prostitutes as the most viable target.

Then there are the mental effects. It may seem like a quick solution: "I'll just give this guy a quick hand job behind this grocery store, no one will ever have to know, I won't have to worry about pregnancy or STDs, and it'll make me a quick $20 to buy food for a day or two. It's not a big deal, I never even have to do it again after this". From there, it gets easier every time to justify the pattern, every time you're in need of a resource. It worked the last time, one more won't hurt, right? Every time you use sex as a weapon and a survival skill, you are degrading and objectifying yourself. You are relying on a quick and easy (albeit dangerous) method of meeting your needs, rather than learning useful and legal survival skills that will serve you well for the rest of your life. You will not feel good about yourself for sinking to prostitution; just more hardened and jaded. Later in life, when you dig yourself out of this hole, I can guarantee that you will look back on this decision with regret. You don't believe me? Head up Sunset Boulevard sometime and check out the hookers there. Prematurely aged from hard living and the effects of their lifestyle. Once you become a prostitute, it is difficult to survive any other way - you have come to view that as your most powerful weapon and honed skill. Even if you do lead a normal life again, you may have great difficulty within the confines of a committed relationship. It is difficult to interact with a boyfriend or husband in a healthy manner when you have taught yourself that sex is a commodity, rather than a shared expression of love and intimacy.

You have unlimited potential. You may or may not have had the advantages that I do, but you are an intelligent creature with a will to weather this. If you are reading this blog, that is a testament to the fact that you want to survive on your own merits, you want to get back on your feet. I beg you, please don't mess that up by making the decision to utilize sex to survive. You will work your way out of this, and you can do it honestly, without scamming or submitting to the sick and twisted desires of someone else to get by.

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